Wednesday 9 January 2013

Crop Fields and Jet Fighters

Crop fields and jet fighters, not something you would put together, but they did come together whilst on my first field work trip!
So over the last two days I scuttled down to somewhere near Lincoln to undertake some field work in my newwwww job which was very exciting.

I took my soil samples, some gas samples, air and soil temperatures and a few other little tests and I did this in a hugggeee crop field of Miscanthus, known to some as Elephant Grass! These crops are 2-3m in height and are very densely spread and that made it kinda easy to get lost in. All my sites to collect data were found within the centre, luckily most sites had white markers to guide my way.
There was also a timed data collection which saw me running from site to site following the white markers collecting gas and then rushing back to the start to do it all again 5 minutes later. 

So where do the Jet Fighters come in?
Well whilst in the field a large rumbling sound echoed around the crop fields (kinda creepy) but was followed by these jet fighters and red arrows that were doing maneouvers and doing training sequences. So I basically had an airshow above my head where I was doing my work, in the little section of sky I could see. Aweeesome

But I did end up getting lost at one point, some sites had no markers and I aimed for the tree line, but after trapsing through the field for numerous minutes I realised I was aiming for the wrong tree line. It is very disorientating in that place!

All in all my first field work trip was great, i really enjoyed it and staying in a posh hotel and having food paid for was great almost a holiday!


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