Wednesday 2 January 2013

Dream Diary

Okay so one thing I was going to do is a dream diary, one so you can have a laugh at what stupid things I dream about, another so you can appreciate how epic my imagination is but mostly so I can look back and see if there are any patterns to my dreamingness and whether I should be worried about my mental state. You can share your dreams too if you like and who knows someone out there maybe sharing the same dream?! 

I regularly dream and most of the time remember some of it and this was last nights....

Okay so its a bit patchy but when you talk about it more the more it comes back to you:

My dream was pretty long, but one part of it was where I was in somewhere which looked like my old school but there was no teachers or school kids and I was waiting around along with many others to see a VIP! Ooo and this VIP was Jorge Garcia from TV shows such as Alcatraz, Once upon a Time and of course LOST (my fav)! He turned up and he was doing some sort of talk and we had a good chat and sat down to listen, but my phone suddenly begins to buzz and ring and I cannot turn it off what so ever and VIP man is getting very annoyed and shouts and I end up becoming his worst fan and I'm sure he gives me a detention.

The second part of my dream whether it follows the last or not, is in some huge city and I'm walking through this park and I'm getting given information to extract some laptop or something from an office block. I go in the office block all sneaky sneak and climb up the stairs and sneak into the office. I hide behind the desk and there is somebody there I take on a gun battle with this person and collect the data but oh no! He raises the alarm and lots of armed police are rushing! I need to get out asap....

Whether I did or not I'm not sure, I think I woke up. Maybe it will continue tomorrow in the next dream, would be so cool if that could happen.

That concludes todays Dream Diary. Check back tomorrow to see if I dream again and whether I am under inception...

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