Sunday 3 February 2013

Disneyland and Turquoise

Okay so whilst being at home I have had some very long and memorable dreams. All quite strange, as usual.
Okay so last nights I went to Disney Land! Woo. With a few of my university friends, but on the way we had to travel through many little English villages which had really small houses. I thought they were all hobbit houses. We continued on up to the mountains and there was a lot of strange markings on the ground. After deliberation, we agreed that the markings were from a huge army of lizardwarriors that had travelled across the mountains to a big war! After continuing to travel we finally arrived and as we got to Disney the police arrived and told us that somebody we knew had been murdered and that they would be speaking to us individually throughout the day of Disneyland!
After just arriving and a very long walk, I realised I had left my wallet in the car and that I did not have enough money so I had to run back to the car! So I told everyone to begin to queue. By the time I had ran back to the car and back in a very fast jumping style way I met up with everyone and they had already been on Space Mountain without me! :( the first few people began to get interviewed and I was worried. We watched a show and then I was called in. I was interviewed inside a restaurant with hundreds of people. Every 5 seconds the interview was disrupted by someone wanting to sell toys or sweets. Some friends came over and shoved sweets in my hand. The interview lady was talking about this person that had died and that our group of friends had received text photos of the decapitated body..ew.
I was introduced to an elderly man who would interview me later. He said to me that I would need to find him in exactly 8 minutes and 36 seconds and he would ask me to choose a colour. I needed to be there in time for the question. The interview continued and then she got stressed with being disturbed and left. I realised that I had little time to choose a colour and had to run to find him. He arrived and numerous others were there to answer the same question. He sat us down and asked. There was a boy next to me who said turquoise at the exact same time as me! I stressed that he stole it and it would not be counted.
Afterwards I ran to catch up with my friends and was running through corridors which looked a lot like those at work and all the sprinklers were on and I was getting soaked. I exited the building and bumped into them all. I wanted to go on a ride but everyone had decided to go to a Brewster's. I agreed but we arrived to find it closed.
It was all very strange and I had no go on any rides!

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