Wednesday 9 October 2013


So today I took the dog for a walk as I came home from work (I nearly put school that's been a long time since) and I realised that for me, today is the first day of Autumn, gone are the nice warm dry days and now in its place a much more different feel.
When I left my house it was bright and sunny, by the time I reached the end of the road it was downpouring! I sheltered from the heavy rain beneath a tree which was not a good idea as it was also blowing a gale! And to my surprise I was hit right in the face by a small twig and several leaves. It was very unpleasant and nearly knocked me off the pavement. This was my first inclination that it was now Autumn (or Fall for you Americans.)
The wind was a howling and gusty meaning that at times you felt like you were being blown off your feet! Now my little dog is scared of lots of things, loud noises, car exhausts, wagons, other dogs, most people, window cleaners and lollipop men/women to name a few but this time of year isn't a good one for little Jess as she is also petrified when a line of leaves are being blown across the pavement, she'll go a running! My dog seriously needs to MAN UP! Though she is a bitch (female dog) and has constant puppy dog eyes, a right cutey!
Also, however, during this walk, the crazy little mutt decided it would be a great place to stop and poop in the middle of the road..... I then had to drag her across to make it to the pavement, which must have been a very annoying and uncomfortable thing to do when pooping. (I then picked it up, with bag and whizzed it in the bin, like a good boy...)
I made it back home without any more leaves to the face but have now realised that summer has gone and the orange and brown leaves are going to be scuttling around for the next few weeks!

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